Department of

Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Holistic Events


Oct. 6, 2023

Motivational session III

Mr. Shojo George delivered an exceptional speech to non-Catholic students, opting to share his life experiences rather than delivering a conventional lecture. His journey, which began with the early loss of his father, served as the foundation for his insightful narrative.


Oct. 6, 2023

Motivational session II

A motivational session was delivered at Christ Hall, St. Marys Block, specifically tailored for non-Catholic students. The event commenced promptly at 12:05 with a gracious introduction by Miss Angitha Sasidharan, faculty from the Civil Engg. Department.We were honoured to hoave Sr. Shaini M., Assistant Professor, Malayalam Dept., Christ College (Autonomous) as our distinguished speaker for the day.


Sept. 26, 2023

Motivational session I

Topic :Screen time is the amount of time that someone spends using a device or computer.Resource Person : Dr. Remya K Sasi, HoD - Dept. of Computer Science and Engg., Christ College of Engineering IJK.


Dec. 1, 2023

Value-added Session

Fr. Teji K Thomas CMI dedicated valuable time to engage with non-Catholic students at St. Thomas Hall. During this session, he shared profound insights on the subjects of friendship and parental love, commencing with a moment of silent prayer.


Feb. 16, 2024

Value-added Session

Ms. Aswathy gave a brief description of the book ‘THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE’ written by Stephen R. Covey. It is a wonderful book that could change a person’s life. The session started with an interaction with the students and described the concept of effectiveness which Covey conveyed in his work.

Contact us

For all doubts, queries regarding the department,
contact our Head Of Department.

Dr Ravishankar A N (HOD)

call +91 9400336647


For all doubts, queries regarding the department,
contact our staff.

Dr Needhu Varghese

call +91 9497317677

All the 5 B.Tech Programmes offered by our college are NBA accredited | Congratulations to B.Tech final year students on achieving 91.94 pass percentage in Sem 7 University exams | Congratulations to B.Tech second year students on achieving 82.94 pass percentage in Sem 3 University exams | Congratulations to B.Tech Third year students on achieving 79.72 pass percentage in Sem 5 University exams |