Co Curricular Events
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Aug. 7, 2020
Date : 5th to 7th August 2020 Resource Person : Mr. Prabhasankar V. P. No. of participants :17

June 10, 2022
Idukki Arch Dam Visit
On 10th June 2022, two faculties and 61 students in Civil Engineering Department visited Idukki Arch Dam

Nov. 2, 2021
Kochi Metro Rail Visit
On 2nd November 2021 two faculties and 8 students in Civil Engineering Department visited the Kochi Metro Rail Ltd.

Nov. 10, 2021
Setting out of Residential house
8 students in Civil Engineering Department visited a house plot in Edamuttam under the supervision of H O D, Ms. Vinitha Sharon

Oct. 17, 2022
Site Visit - Synthite Taste Park, Kakkanad
44 students and 3 faculties of Civil Department visited the site Synthite Taste Park, Kakkanad
Nov. 25, 2021
Site Visit - Sewage Treatment Plant at Guruvayoor
61 Students from (2019-2023 Batch) and 18 students from (2018-2022 Batch) visited Sewage Treatment Plant at Guruvayoor with 4 faculties

May 5, 2022

Sept. 23, 2022
Site Visit - Water Treatment Plant, Koratty
61 Students from (2019-2023 Batch) visited Water Treatment Plant at Koratty along with the faculties Ms. Vinitha Sharon, Dr. Krishnapriya M. G. and Dr. Krishnapriya M. G.

May 27, 2021
Artificial Neural Network Modelling
Artificial Neural Network Modelling. Resource Person : Ms. Vinitha Sharon. No. of participants :13

May 15, 2021
Date : 12th May 15th May 2021. Resource Person : Mr. Prabhasankar V. P. No. of participants : 17

Jan. 4, 2023
Industrial visit to Water Treatment Plant , Irinjalakuda
Department of Civil Engineering conducted an Industrial visit to Water Treatment Plant , Irinjalakuda today for S6 CE students. The details of different treatment steps such as aeration, filtration, coagulation,sedimentation and disinfection was explained in the session. Vinitha miss, Krishnapriya miss and Riya miss accompanied the students. Special thanks to Vinitha miss for arranging the same.

Feb. 7, 2023
Hands-on training workshop on Autocad Drafting
Civil Engineering Department has organized four-day hands-on training workshop on Autocad Drafting in association with IEDC & RACE. Mr.Vineeth Narayanan, Trainer, Autodesk delivered hands-on session . Mrs Riya Joseph was the other resource person to provide fundamental concepts.

April 1, 2023
The Institution of Engineers (India) Students' Chapter, Department of Civil Engineering successfully completed BootCamp "SketchUp Modeling and Lumion Rendering" in association with CADD Campus.

March 27, 2023
Intercollegiate Auto CAD competition
Intercollegeate Auto CAD competition organized by RACE-Association of Civil Engg Dept., conducted on 14.3.2023.The event had both external and internal participants.The prize amount was sponsored by CAD center.It was well organized by Students of Civil Dept.

March 27, 2023
World Water Day
EnvoTech Club, Department of Civil Engineering, Christ College of Engineering, Irinjalakuda conducted Model Making Competition of Water Treatment Plant.

April 22, 2023
EcoLusion is a poster making competition conducted on the occasion of Earth day by the Civil department

June 10, 2022
Site visit : Idukki Arch Dam
Department of Civil Engineering conducted an industrial visit to Idukki Arch Dam on June 10th 2022
Aug. 1, 2020
Expert E - Talk : Advanced Oxidation Processes for Emerging Contaminants
The first expert e-talk organized by the Envo Tech Club, department of Civil Engineering on “ Advanced Oxidation Processes for Emerging Contaminants” by Dr. M. S. Priyanka, Former Research Scholar, NIT Calicut was successfully conducted on 1st of August 2020 at 3:00pm via Google Meet, under the guidance of faculty coordinators Mrs. Vinitha Sharon and Mr. Prabasankar V. P. The meeting which was conducted online had a total of 191 attendees including department persona

May 15, 2021
Assessment of Incinerability of Municipal Solid Waste
The ever increasing quantity of electronic as well as other wastes are rapidly demanding a lot of attention, and if not given the gravity that it demands, the problem would soon escalate to insurmountable measures. Which is why the EnvoTech Club CCE decided to conduct a webinar about the "Assessment of Incinerability of Municipal Solid Waste" on the 15th of May 2021 via Google Meet.

Jan. 5, 2023
Relevance of Civil Engineering and Environmental Awareness
EnvoTech Club, Department of Civil Engineering conducted a School Interactive session at National Higher Secondary school, Irinjalakuda on “Relevance of Civil Engineering and Environmental Awareness” on 5th January 2023 . The session was conducted by S3 CE students.

March 22, 2022
QUIZ: Ground Water
The EnvoTech Club, Department of Civil Engineering, Christ College of Engineering, Irinjalakuda conducted an online quiz on 22 of March 2022, World Water Day, at 10 am through google forms. The platform was open to all the students and faculty members of CCE. Ms. Vinitha Sharon, Faculty in charge and Sandra Shaji (S1CE), student in charge coordinated the event.

Sept. 30, 2021
Vertical Garden
Rejoiced to inform that, after several days of careful planning and relentless toil, the EnvoTech Club and the Department of Civil Engineering at Christ College of Engineering, have successfully placed a flourishing Vertical Garden in our college campus 0n 30/09/2021. The entire frame of the garden, standing 3 metres tall and spanning 3.8 metres wide, as well as all the materials used are completely eco-friendly and recyclable.
Nov. 25, 2021
Civil department conducted a site visit to Sewage Treatment Plant at Guruvayoor on 25th November 2021. 61 Students from (2019-2023 Batch) and 18 students from (2018-2022 Batch) visited.

Sept. 15, 2022
Celebrating 55th Engineers' Day, on 15th September, 2022 in remembrance of Bharat Ratna Sir Mokhagundam Visvesvaraya, the finest engineer in the country. The Institution of Engineers (India) Students' Chapter and EnvoTech Club, Department of Civil Engineering organized a technical talk which dealt with the topic "A GIST ON SMOG EATING CONCRETE", for the students of S3 and S7.

Sept. 23, 2022
Site visit : Water Treatment Plant, Koratty
Department of Civil Engineering conducted an industrial visit to water treatment plant at Koratty on september 23rd 2022

Oct. 19, 2022
Environmental conservation
On Oct 19th 2022, EnvoTech club, Dept.of Civil Engineering organized a Session about “Environmental conservation”. The session was led by Mr Saseendrababu , Social worker. The session began with a welcome address by Anlie Mariya Jaison (S7CE). The speaker addressed the students about importance of environmental conservation in present era.
March 1, 2023
Site visit : Water treatment plant, Irinjalakuda
Department of Civil Engineering conducted an industrial visit to Water treatment plant, Irinjalakuda on 1st March 2023 for s6 CE students. It was accompanied by the faculty members Ms. Vinitha Sharon, Dr. Krishnapriya M. G. and Ms. Riya Joseph.

March 22, 2023
Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” -H. Auden. As a part of world water day Envotech club(department of Civil Engineering) conducted a model making competition based on water treatment The contest planning and preparations began several days prior to the scheduled date of the programme. Model making competition was conducted on the 22nd March 2023 at 11am.

June 5, 2022
Relevance of Environmental Engineering
On 5th June 2022, Envotech Club, Department of Civil Engineering organized a webinar on “ Relevance of Environmental Engineering “. The speaker of the webinar was Mr.Prem Mohan, Assistant Project Engineer,Kerala Land Development Corporation Ltd (KLDC),Thrissur.

July 13, 2020
The inaugural ceremony of the new found Envo Tech Club, which was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Christ College of Engineering, Irinjalakuda, on 13th of July, 2020, Monday at 10.00 am, commenced with a prayer song by Xander Varghese of S6 CE. The ceremony which was held online via Google meet, due to the pandemic novel corona, was hosted by faculty coordinators Ms. Vinitha Sharon & Mr. Prabhasankar V. P. with a total of 60 attendees including guests and staff members.

Oct. 17, 2020
To commemorate World Disaster Management day, EnvoTech club together with the Department of Civil Engineering, Christ College of Engineering, organized an intercollegiate idea pitching contest on 13th of October, Tuesday. The topic for the idea pitching was Disaster Risk Mitigation and the contest specifically focused on ideas to mitigate risks due to earthquake, landslide and flood.

Feb. 8, 2021
Interactive Session
An Interactive Session with Mr. Sabu M. Jacob, Managing Director of Kitex Garments Limited, Chief coordinator and Mentor of Twenty20 Kizhakkambalam was organised by EnvoTech club, Department of Civil Engineering, CCE on 8th February 2021.

June 5, 2020
The air we breathe, the land we tread upon, the niches we claim, quite baffling how it all works together intricately in order to make our existence possible. The more we search, the more curious it gets, which is why on this year’s World Environment Day, the EnvoTech club decided to host an online quiz to appreciate the erudition of nature lovers and environment enthusiasts through a series of thrilling rounds.

Sept. 18, 2023
Industry Visit
Industry Visit-Malabar Cements-S5 Civil

Sept. 19, 2023
chart presentation
The charts were prepared by first-year students and covered various topics related to engineering, with the purpose of making students aware of the latest developments in this field and encouraging them to pursue careers in it.

Sept. 15, 2020
The Hunt
This year’s Engineer’s day, celebrated on 15th of September, to honour the contribution of one of the greatest pioneer of our nation and Bharat Ratna awardee Mokshakundam Viswesaraya, was celebrated online with great zest and passion, by the students and teachers alike of Christ College of Engineering, Irinjalakuda. The competitions which were jointly organised by the EnvoTech Club and RACE, CCE induced an online scavenger hunt titled “THE HUNT”

April 22, 2021
Earth Day Quiz Competition
This year’s Earth Day, celebrated on 22nd of April, to remind the students as well as the public, the danger being faced by our planet and the measures to put down the devastating calamities undergoing in it. The competition was organized by the Envotech Club of Christ College of Engineering, Irinjalakuda to challenge the insight of the participants with a Quiz solely based on Earth.

Sept. 15, 2025
This year’s Engineer’s day, celebrated on 15th of September, to honour the contribution of one of the greatest pioneer of our nation and Bharat Ratna awardee Mokshakundam Viswesaraya, was celebrated online with great zest and passion, by the students and teachers alike of Christ College of Engineering, Irinjalakuda. The competitions which were jointly organised by the EnvoTech Club and RACE, CCE induced an online scavenger hunt titled “THE HUNT” and a poster selfie contest with cash prizes.

May 15, 2021
The EnvoTech Club CCE decided to conduct a webinar about the "Assessment of Incinerability of Municipal Solid Waste" on the 15th of May 2021 via Google Meet. The resource person invited for the session was Dr. Roshni Mary Sebastian Postdoctoral fellow, University of Alberta, Canada. The major takeaways intended from the session was a general idea regarding the existing treatment of Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW), their drawbacks, and what the future holds for waste management.

Oct. 28, 2020
Binge with RACE
Binge with RACE is a series of live talk shows hosted by the Department of Civil Engineering and RACE CCE featuring popular YouTube personalities, with an intent that focused on bringing contents of greater entertainment value for the students. Despite the unwelcome impacts brought out by COVID- 19, taking this stride surely made a difference in keeping the zest alive among the students.

June 27, 2021
Alumini Event
The first Alumni meet of 2015 and 2016 batches of the Civil Engineering Department was conducted in google meet on 27 th June at 3. 00 pm .Executive Director Fr.John Palliakara inagrauted the Alumni Association ‘ACE ‘ .Executive board of 7 members was formulated with Mr. George Varghese as president and Mr. Tomjo Arikatt as Vice pesident.Ms.Riya Joseph ,Asst prof Civil Engineering Department was the staff coordinator.

June 5, 2021
The contest was named ‘Quizzard’, and the planning and preparations began several days prior to the scheduled date of the programme. Quizzard was conducted on the 5th of June, 2021 at 10am via Google meet with faculty coordinator Asst. Prof. Vinitha Sharon at the helm. Like any other quiz contest the team behind Quizzard had only one objective: to conduct a fair contest that would provide a reliable idea about the participants’ awareness to the greatest degree of accuracy achievable.

May 28, 2021
Mix Design for Concrete Pavements 28th May 2021
The main motive of the webinar is to enhance the knowledge of students on how to design concrete mixes using IRC method. In the curriculum students study the mix design for concrete using ACI and IS method only. The resource person was Dr. Jino John Professor in Civil Engineering Department. Christ College of Engineering, Irinjalakuda.The major takeaways intended from the session were to create an awareness to design the mixes for concrete pavements.
May 28, 2021
Engineering is just the mouth of a series of rivulets branching all around, and the farther you sail, the more riveting it gets. To help students explore the territories of business management along with building a sturdy career in Civil Engineering, another episode of Right up My Alley, with Mr. George Varghese, alumnus of pioneer batch of CCE (2015-2019, CE) was conducted on the 28th of May, Friday at 4pm.

June 29, 2020
One of the prime motives of the civil association (RACE) is to enhance the technical knowledge of the students which would equip them with the requisites needed to solve the practical problems. RACE has decided to conduct a webinar about the topic "Journey through Concrete" on the 29th of June 2021 via Zoom. The resource person invited for the session was Er. Shyju Nair. The major takeaways intended from the session was a general idea regarding the concrete.
April 24, 2021
when two promising students, who had donned the laurels of academic excellence in the field of Civil Engineering, landed a job not in their core field, to help the students to know more about software Jobs another episode of Right up my Alley was conducted with Ms. Anitta Anto and Ms. Dilse P Dill, recent personnel at Tata Consultancy Services and alumni 2016-2020 CE Batch. The google meet session was organized by Asst. Professor Riya Joseph in association with RACE CCE Saturday, 24th of April.

March 25, 2021
The workshop held on (25/03/2021) aims to bring together leading architects to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Architecture, Construction and Urbanism. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Architecture, Construction and Urbanism.
Jan. 3, 2021
On 3.1.2021, a group of S7 students were directed to visit the library block building under construction at St. Thomas College, Thrissur. The 3-storey building is proposed as an extension of the existing building. Students were instructed on details of truss work, steel sections used in staircase, circular columns etc. by Structural Consultant Mr. Sasikumar Therayil. They were also engaged with a visit to the construction work at Ebenezer Mar Thoma Church at East Fort, Thrissur.
Oct. 18, 2020
Right Up My Alley
Right up my alley as the names suggests,is a venture initiated by the Department of civil engineering, Christ college of engineering along with RACE-CCE ,solely for the purpose of aiding the students aiming for their career in the field of civil engineering. The incentive behind this was to nurture the dreams of our students who are passionate about civil core field.
Oct. 11, 2020
Right Up My Alley
Right up my alley as the names suggests, is a venture initiated by the Department of civil engineering, Christ college of engineering along with RACE-CCE ,solely for the purpose of aiding the students aiming for their career in the field of civil engineering. The incentive behind this was to nurture the dreams of our students who are passionate about civil core field.
Oct. 20, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering in association with RACE had organized an online webinar on the topic Introduction to GIS and Remote Sensing on 20th October, 2020. The resource person for this Webinar was Mr. Aswin P Vijayan, AE, and LSGD. He delivered a very informative session on this topic to the participants. The program was anchored by Ms. Anns Prince of S3CE

Oct. 17, 2020
To commemorate World Disaster Management day, Envo Tech club together with the Department of Civil Engineering, Christ College of Engineering, organized an intercollegiate idea pitching contest on 13th of October, Tuesday. The topic for the idea pitching was Disaster Risk Mitigation and the contest specifically focused on ideas to mitigate risks due to earthquake, landslide and flood. The contest consisted of two phases: a preliminary phase and a final phase, conducted on google meet.

Sept. 15, 2020
This year’s Engineer’s day, celebrated on 15th of September, to honour the contribution of one of the greatest pioneer of our nation and Bharat Ratna awardee Mokshakundam Viswesaraya, was celebrated online with great zest and passion, by the students and teachers alike of Christ College of Engineering, Irinjalakuda. The competitions which were jointly organised by the EnvoTech Club and RACE, CCE induced an online scavenger hunt titled “THE HUNT”.

Aug. 1, 2020
The first expert e-talk organized by the Envo Tech Club, department of Civil Engineering on “ Advanced Oxidation Processes for Emerging Contaminants” by Dr. M. S. Priyanka, Former Research Scholar, NIT Calicut was successfully conducted on 1st of August 2020 at 3:00pm via Google Meet, under the guidance of faculty coordinators Mrs. Vinitha Sharon and Mr. Prabasankar V. P.

July 13, 2020
The inaugural ceremony of the new found Envo Tech Club, which was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Christ College of Engineering, Irinjalakuda, on 13th of July, 2020, Monday at 10.00 am, commenced with a prayer song by Xander Varghese of S6 CE. The ceremony which was held online via Google meet, due to the pandemic novel corona, was hosted by faculty coordinators Ms. Vinitha Sharon & Mr. Prabhasankar V. P. with a total of 60 attendees including guests and staff members.

Oct. 18, 2023
workshop on AutoCAD
From October 16th to 18th, 2023, 50 participants came together to enhance their AutoCAD skills. The event beautifully showcased the dedication and hard work of all involved, resulting in a successful and enriching experience for everyone. Congratulations to the organizers and participants for making it such a productive workshop!Special appreciation to faculty Cordinators Riya Joseph & Jisanto M D R

Oct. 18, 2023
Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU).
Glimpses from the inauguration of Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU). Thanks to S3 Mechanical Engineering students and EnvoTech club of Civil Engineering Department for your dedication and hard work under the leadership of Joy sir and Geo sir.

Oct. 21, 2023
Hands-on workshop
Three-day hands-on workshop on ETABS organized by Department of Civil Engineering for final year students from 19 th to 21st October was a great success!💫 The training program is particularly good and valuable for the students to gain practice in Analysis and Design software.It strengthened their technical skills and proved to be a great learning experience, especially with the practical designing sessions.

Oct. 26, 2023
Eco Aware
EnvoTech Club, Department of Civil Engineering organised a Student Master Program called "Eco Aware" at Holy Grace Academy, Mala. Around 200 students participated in this event and received excellent feedback that they will try to implement the pollution control measures suggested, in their daily routine which would reduce the detrimental effects of pollution. Ms. Vinitha Sharon and Ms. Shicy N S organised this program.

Oct. 28, 2023
Conceptual Structural Design
RACE in association with Institution of Engineers conducted a one day workshop on Conceptual Structural Design. The session hosted by Principal Structural Engineer, Triangle Design Studio. The interested students of S3, S5 and S7 have actively participated in this will be an eye opener for their further learning process. There will be continuing sessions on Structural Engineering since it is an essential part of Civil Engineers Life. The coordination of Angitha Ms and Riya Ms .
Dec. 18, 2020
A hangar is a closed building structure to hold aircraft or spacecraft. On 18th December 2020, a group of 12 students observed the installation of door to the Hangar which is a part of Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facility in Cochin International Airport Limited. The team was guided by Asst. Prof. Angitha Sasidharan in association with M.D. Esthappan Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd.

Sept. 15, 2020
Poster Selfie Contest
This year’s Engineer’s day, celebrated on 15th of September, to honour the contribution of one of the greatest pioneer of our nation and Bharat Ratna awardee Mokshakundam Viswesaraya, was celebrated online with great zest and passion, by the students and teachers alike of Christ College of Engineering, Irinjalakuda. The competitions which were jointly organised by the EnvoTech Club and RACE, CCE induced a poster selfie contest.

Nov. 23, 2023
Idea pitching competition
Eventful day for Dept. Of Civil Engineering!! Inter instistutional Idea pitching competition, Model Expo and Expert talk.Students organized the program very well,RACE-department association,Envo-tech club and IEI CCE chapter togetherly mentored the students to achieve this.For RACETHON,Most of the particpants including UG and PG are from other colleges,We had 3 teams from our College.First and Second position won by our College teams(ECE and ME).

Dec. 20, 2023
Expoke- an interdisciplinary Project Expo
The glimpses of *Expoke- an interdisciplinary Project Expo by S1 CE, ECE, and ME Students*. It's our immense pleasure to thank each and everyone of you for making the event a grand success. Our sincere gratitude to John Achan, Joy Achan, Sajeev Sir, John Sir, and Manoj Sir for the support and guidance provided.

Feb. 23, 2024
Industry Visit
As part of the Students' Enrichment Program, Department of Civil Engineering conducted visit to Ponmudi Dam, Idukki for S2 CE students

July 23, 2024
An orientation session conducted for NPTEL courses
An orientation session was conducted today for S5 EC & S5 CE students about NPTEL courses by CCE NPTEL Local Chapter SPOC Angitha Ma'am. The importance and benefits of NPTEL courses were clearly explained in the session.

July 24, 2024
JAM session
Today we have conducted a JAM session for S5 civil. We identified certain things that they can improve 1.Eye contact 2.Pleasant face 3.Hand movements 4.Voice modulation.

July 22, 2024
Student Enrichment Program
We have successfully completed the 5 days Virtual Reality Training Program, part of the Student Enrichment Program for first-year students, in collaboration with TECHIES Pvt. Ltd.

Sept. 3, 2024
Azheekod-Munambam Bridge construction site
S5 Students of Civil Engineering Department visited the Azheekod-Munambam Bridge construction site, accompanied by the faculty Dr. Krishnapriya ,M G ,Ms. Riya joseph, Ms.Neenu Johnson.

Sept. 30, 2024
A five-day hands-on training session on ETABS
A five-day hands-on training session on ETABS was organized by Department of Civil Engineering for the S7 Civil Engineering students from 23.09.2024 to 27.09.2024. The training was conducted by expert instructors Mr. Sujin G. S.and Mr. Ram Kumar, who are highly skilled in structural analysis and design using ETABS software.

Oct. 10, 2024
SLIDE OFF 2024 Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the SLIDE OFF Presentation Contest 2024, held on Oct 8-9 at Christ College of Engineering! 🎊 Theme: Creating Solutions for a Sustainable World

Oct. 8, 2024
Industry Visit
EnvoTech Club, Department of Civil Engineering organized a visit to Matterlab, Kozhikode, attended by 15 students along with faculty members Vinitha Sharon and Shicy N. S. The visit aimed to enhance students' understanding of innovative technologies in civil engineering.

Oct. 16, 2024
S5 Students of Civil Engineering Department visited the MALABAR CEMENTS LTD, Walayar, accompanied by the faculty Dr. Krishnapriya,M G, Dr. Sherjah P Yusuf Ali

Oct. 23, 2024
Foot overbridge & Sewage Treatment Plant
S7 Students of Civil Engg. Dept. visited the Foot overbridge & Sewage Treatment Plant by PWD at Alappuzha on 22.10.24.

Jan. 10, 2025
Student Enrichment Program, S4 Civil Engineering
As part of the Student Enrichment Program, S4 Civil Engineering students embarked on an enlightening industrial visit to the Water Treatment Plant (12.5 and 26 MLD) and Pothundi Dam in Palakkad on 10th January 2025.

Feb. 3, 2025
Student Enrichment Program
The Department of Civil Engineering successfully completed a 6-day Student Enrichment Program (SEP) on AutoCAD from 27/01/25 to 01/02/25 for S2 CE students by CADD CAMPUS India Private Limited.

March 3, 2025
EnvoTech club, Department of Civil Engineering successfully conducted an Idea 💡 pitching competition titled PITCHFEST as part of CIVORA.

March 4, 2025
Industrial interaction cell visit to Vajra Rubber Products (P) Ltd
Industrial interaction cell visit to Vajra Rubber Products (P) Ltd. as part of the Institute's Industrial Interaction Cell initiatives
Contact us
For all doubts, queries regarding the department,
contact our Head Of Department.
Dr. Krishnapriya M G (HOD)
call +91 9846297741
For all doubts, queries regarding the department,
contact our staff.
Mr. Prabhasankar V P
call +91 8129967425
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