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Geotechnical Engineering Lab
The Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory is an integral part of the Department of Civil Engineering. The laboratory is equipped to perform all the necessary basic characterization of soils. Geotechnical engineering is the branch of civil engineering that deals with the engineering behavior of subsurface materials. It includes Soil Mechanics, which is essential to identify, characterize and study the mechanics of soil/rock and Applied Soil Mechanics, which transfers the behavioral knowledge to pra

Transportation Lab
The Transportation Engineering Laboratory is equipped with equipment for testing different properties of soil, bitumen and aggregate used in pavement construction, design bituminous mix and to measure roughness of pavement. The laboratory consists of major equipment such as Marshall Stability Apparatus, Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine, Aggregate Impact Testing Machine, Ductility Testing Machine, CBR Apparatus, and MERLIN Skid Resistance Tester.

Civil Engineering Software Lab
Computer Aided Design-CAD is defined the use of information technology (IT) in the Design process. A CAD system consists of IT hardware (H/W), specialised software (S/W) (depending on the particular area of application) and peripherals, which in certain applications are quite specialised. The core of a CAD system is the S/W, which makes use of graphics for product representation; databases for storing the product model and drives the peripherals for product presentation. Its use does not change

Civil Engineering Workshop and Surveying Lab
The planning and design of all Civil Engineering projects such as construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, dams etc are based upon surveying measurements. Thus, surveying is a basic requirement for all Civil Engineering projects.

Material Testing Lab 1 & 2
Laboratory for Material Testing (MT Lab I) is an exclusive departmental testing facility with sophisticated technology. The lab facilitates the assessment of the mechanical performance of a wide range of civil engineering materials including trending composites in the industry.

The Department of Civil Engineering has established a dedicated project Lab to motivate and promote the Project works of B.Tech CE students .To inspire and motivate them students of all semesters are allowed to exhibit their project works ,charts ,still models in the Project lab .The project lab operates in conjunction with other labs in the department to complete the project works and provide a platform for the visual exhibition of the project