Department of

Computer Science and Engineering




Young Innovators Program 4.0 Competition

Selected for Entrepreneurship Training worth 1.5 lakhs for Ujjaini Conducted by Prayana Labs in association with KSUM.


Ms. Jasmine Jolly

Awarded Elite Silver Certificate with top 5% level.


Ms. Bhagyasree P V

Best Women Researcher Award in International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Engineering Systems(ICCIES-2021), Maharashtra.


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Talrop's

Talrop's Jobsure campus Initiative igniting Innovation at Christ College of Engineering.

Sl.No Name Event Year Organized By Prize
1. Remya K Sasi Customer behaviour prediction using propensity model 2020-2021 Advanced and Emerging applications in Big Data and Machine learning, Ghaziabad, India Journal
2. Remya K Sasi Emotion based music player 2020-2021 International E-conference on Energy, Control, Computing and Electronic Systems, Tirupati, Andra Pra Journal
3. Remya K Sasi A study on student feedback system for online education 2021-2022 4th National Conference on Computational Intelligence (NCCI 2021) Kristu Jayanti college, Bangalore Journal
4. Nikhil Samuel A Survey on Blockchain Secured Automated Valuation Using AI 2020-2021 International Conference of Information & Communication Engineering(ICICE-2020)Bharat Institute of E Journal
5. Bhagyasree PV Cyber Crime Prediction using Machine Learning 2021-2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Society (ICAIS 2021) University of Ke Journal
6. Bhagyasree PV Voice Triggered Switch Board Control 2021-2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Society (ICAIS 2021) University of Ke Journal
7. Prasanth K Baby Fund Transfer Using Blockchain 2020-2021 Online National Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Geotechnical Engineering Journal
8. Remya K Sasi Raga Classification using Convolutional Neural Network 2020-2021 11thMajorov International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems Journal

Contact us

For all doubts, queries regarding the department,
contact our Head Of Department.

Dr. Vince Paul (HOD)

call +91 9446143299


For all doubts, queries regarding the department,
contact our staff.

Mr. Antony T Jose

call +91 8089809680

All the 5 B.Tech Programmes offered by our college are NBA accredited |