Department of

Electronics and Communication Engineering


1. Flipped Classroom

2. Simulation Based Learning

3. Learning through site visits

4. Video Content creation by students

5. Learning through technical puzzles

6. Learning through Product making

7. Experimental Learning - Learning through Lab Equipment Development

8. Practical Oriented Learning

1. Flipped Classroom: - EDA Playground, an online simulation tool for HDLs was demonstrated through Google meet. A youtube video series was prepared and given to help students. Students were asked to code Logic circuits taught in class in Verilog and simulate in EDA Playground. In the end of the course, they were asked to do a simulation project in EDA Playground and submit.

1. Flipped Classroom -ECT 304 VLSI Circuit Design


To develop self-learning skills in students.
To help slow learners to understand difficult topics effortlessly.
To enhance the presentation skills of students.


All students were asked beforehand to prepare topic in the course VLSI Circuit Design: DRAM- structure, read and write operations by referring NPTEL lectures and using reference textbooks. A concise powerpoint presentation was also circulated. On next day, students were divided into microgroups of three, and were asked to discuss the topic that they learned with the group members. After giving sufficient time for discussion in micro group, a student was called randomly to present the topic before the whole class. Audience was encouraged to ask doubts.

1. Flipped Classroom - MCN 202 Constitution of India


To develop self- learning skills in students.
To help slow learners to understand difficult topics effortlessly.
To enhance the presentation skills of students


Topics were assigned to students beforehand and study materials circulated. Students were asked to present the topic in the next class. Faculty member concluded the session asking questions. Total six students were given chance.

2. Simulation Based Learning: - The students were given questions by the course faculty. They were asked to design the circuits and simulate the same using any simulation software The output was demonstrated and submitted in hardcopy.

1. Simulation based Learning - ECT 426 RTOS


To understand the RTOS based microcontroller programming using a modern simulator platform. Prepare students for core jobs in Embedded systems.


The students were given questions by the course faculty. They were asked to design an RTOS system and simulate the same using a modern simulator platform of their choice. The output was demonstrated and submitted in hardcopy.

1. Simulation Based Learning -ECT 301 Linear Integrated Circuits


To help students to design circuits using simulation software to promote self- learning. To enable the students to analyse the elementary details of op amp.


The students were given questions by the course faculty. They were asked to design the circuits and simulate the same using any simulation software The output was demonstrated and submitted in hardcopy.

1. Use of online simulation tool - ECT202 Analog Circuits


To develop deep understanding about circuits Improve self- learning and analytical capabilities among students. Establish a foundation and arise interest for continuous learning in the domain of Electronic Circuit Design.


A general over view of LTSPICE tool was presented in the class. They were asked to design any circuit that they have learned in the course and simulate the same using any simulation software. The output was demonstrated and submitted in hardcopy.

1. Simulation Based Learning -ECT 401 Microwave and Antennas


To help students to understand antenna design using ANSYS by self-learning. To help the students to familiarize with the modern tools employed in industry.


The students were given questions by the course faculty. They were asked to design antenna and simulate the same using ANSYS. The output was demonstrated and submitted in hardcopy.

1. Use of online simulation tool EDA Playground -ECT 203 Logic Circuit Design


To help students to understand Verilog programming and testing concepts by self-learning. Prepare students for core jobs in VLSI. Teach Verilog programming remotely, in the backdrop of COVID 19 Lockdown.


EDA Playground, an online simulation tool for HDLs was demonstrated through Google meet. A youtube video series was prepared and given to help students. Students were asked to code Logic circuits taught in class in Verilog and simulate in EDA Playground. In the end of the course, they were asked to do a simulation project in EDA Playground and submit.

3. Learning through site visits: - The slots were booked beforehand by the faculty advisor to visit KEL on 8th July 2022. 52 out of 61 students in the class visited the industry. The electronic and electrical components and devices were demonstrated

1. Learning through site visits - EST130: Basic of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


To familiarise the students with basic electronic components employed in industry. To enable students to organize and manage the visit


The slots were booked beforehand by the faculty advisor to visit KEL on 8th July 2022. 52 out of 61 students in the class visited the industry. The electronic and electrical components and devices were demonstrated

1. Learning through site visits – Chetana Sound Studio Thrissur ECT 204 Signals and Systems, ECT 303: Digital Signal Processing


To familiarise the students with various signal processing applications employed in studios. To inspire the students to do projects in signal processing domain.


The slots were booked beforehand by the faculty advisor to visit Chetana Sound Studio on 25th September 2021. All students in the class – S4 ECE visited the studio. Studio, Sound System used in theatres, amplifiers, different types of microphones and technology behind signal processing was demonstrated

1. Learning through site visits -ECT 304 VLSI Circuit Design


To provide a deep understanding of materials and processes used in manufacturing electronic devices, in line with Module 5 of VLSI Circuit Design course. To encourage students to appreciate the level of technical proficiency and sophistication involved in microfabrication and testing.


Slots were booked beforehand by the faculty to visit the CMET Lab on National Science Day, 28 th February 2023. Students were taken to the Lab in college bus. 48 out of 50 students in the class attended. Various fabrication and testing facilities as well as ongoing projects were visited, guided by research students at CMET and explained by Scientists.

4. Video Content creation by students: - Do an application Project related to learned concepts in Logic circuit design useful for the society in a team of maximum 4 members Demonstrate the project, record the presentation, upload in Google classroom YouTube Circulate links among students, staff and public

1. Video Content creation by students - ECT 203 Logic Circuit Design


To develop a deep understanding of the course concepts by using modern tools
To develop self- learning skills in students.
To apply the learned concept in real life Develop ability to solve complex problems
To improve presentation and communication skills


Do an application Project related to learned concepts in Logic circuit design useful for the society in a team of maximum 4 members Demonstrate the project, record the presentation, upload in Google classroom YouTube Circulate links among students, staff and public

5. Learning through technical puzzles: - Student Coordinators were assigned and the Faculty Coordinated briefed about the intended activity. Coordinators prepared circuit-based puzzles, in which, students were asked to fulfil a certain logic output condition, subject to certain rules. Registrations were invited as a team of four. Three puzzles were given, and teams who solved them in least number of attempts and in least time were adjudged as winners

1. Learning through technical puzzles – Logic Circuit Debugging


To develop inquisitiveness among students to understand the functioning of Logic Circuits. To develop debugging skills for digital circuits. To enable students to function in a team in solving problems.


Student Coordinators were assigned and the Faculty Coordinated briefed about the intended activity. Coordinators prepared circuit-based puzzles, in which, students were asked to fulfil a certain logic output condition, subject to certain rules. Registrations were invited as a team of four. Three puzzles were given, and teams who solved them in least number of attempts and in least time were adjudged as winners

6. Learning through Product making: - Components were purchased for making hundred LED bulbs. A hands-on session was given to each student of the batches of 2021-25 to assemble LED bulb. Students were encouraged to LED bulbs on their free times on holidays and after class hours. Assembled stars were sold in the college after taking orders from all classes. The first sale was done by the Executive director of the college on 21 July 2022. The entire program was named as ‘SPARC’. 9W bulbs were sold at a cost of 65 per piece. The project was supported by the technical staff of the Department.

1. Learning through Product making - LED Bulb assembly


To develop inquisitiveness among students to understand the construction and working of electrical and electronic gadgets they find in daily life. To give an opportunity to apply skills and knowledge related to electronic workshop and basic circuits. To enable students to understand the market related challenges for any electronic product.


Components were purchased for making hundred LED bulbs. A hands-on session was given to each student of the batches of 2021-25 to assemble LED bulb. Students were encouraged to LED bulbs on their free times on holidays and after class hours. Assembled stars were sold in the college after taking orders from all classes. The first sale was done by the Executive director of the college on 21 July 2022. The entire program was named as ‘SPARC’. 9W bulbs were sold at a cost of 65 per piece. The project was supported by the technical staff of the Department.

1. Learning through Product making - Glowing LED rosary


To develop inquisitiveness among students to understand the construction and working of electrical and electronic gadgets they find in daily life. To give an opportunity to apply skills and knowledge related to electronic workshop and basic circuits. To enable students to understand the market related challenges for any electronic product.


Considering the success of the project in which LED stars were made last year, staff members suggested students of the 2021-25 batch to come up with a new product idea. LED Rosary making was chosen considering the possibility to sell it in the month of October, which is observed for praying rosaries by Catholics. Components were purchased by the students after consulting with the Technical Staff in the Department. A brief training was given to each student of the batches of 2021-25 to assemble the rosary. Students were encouraged to assemble the rosary during their free times on holidays and after class hours. Students got opportunity to improve their soldering skills. Assembled rosaries were sold in the college, and it was a great learning experience in marketing of products. The selling counter was inaugurated by the Executive director of the college on 28 th September 2021. Selling counters were set up in nearby churches. This was a great learning experience for students.

7. Experimental Learning - Learning through Lab Equipment Development: - The requirement for an automatic antenna table in Electromagnetics Lab course was presented among students. Four students who have shown interest to take up the project were asked to form a group. Timely instructions and suggestions were given by the faculty in charge and the progress monitored. Essential funding support was availed from the college for the purpose of purchasing necessary components. The students were asked to give a presentation of the work that they have done in their class. The developed equipment was unveiled by the Executive Director and the team that developed it was congratulated.

1. Development of Antenna Turn Table


To develop an in-depth understanding of instruments used in Laboratories and their making. To enhance the motivation among students to learn Electromagnetics. To give an opportunity to apply concepts learned in core subjects in developing an application.


The requirement for an automatic antenna table in Electromagnetics Lab course was presented among students. Four students who have shown interest to take up the project were asked to form a group. Timely instructions and suggestions were given by the faculty in charge and the progress monitored. Essential funding support was availed from the college for the purpose of purchasing necessary components. The students were asked to give a presentation of the work that they have done in their class. The developed equipment was unveiled by the Executive Director and the team that developed it was congratulated.

8. Practical Oriented Learning: - LAN network setting up for newly established Computer Lab in the college was seen as an opportunity to give a hands-on exposure for students. Expertise of Mr. Aswin TA in establishing LAN networks was helpful. Mr. Aswin gave an introductory session about establishing LAN connections. Students were involved in the entire process of setting up the LAN, under the guidance of technical staff members. Students spent an entire afternoon for the process. They got an opportunity to understand the practical aspects of a theory course that they learn.

1. Local Area Network set up


To develop hands-on exposure for students in setting up LAN.
To enable students to apply the knowledge gained in theory subject Computer Networks in practical application.
To motivate students for lifelong learning in Computer Communications.


LAN network setting up for newly established Computer Lab in the college was seen as an opportunity to give a hands-on exposure for students. Expertise of Mr. Aswin TA in establishing LAN networks was helpful. Mr. Aswin gave an introductory session about establishing LAN connections. Students were involved in the entire process of setting up the LAN, under the guidance of technical staff members. Students spent an entire afternoon for the process. They got an opportunity to understand the practical aspects of a theory course that they learn.

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All the 5 B.Tech Programmes offered by our college are NBA accredited | Congratulations to B.Tech final year students on achieving 91.94 pass percentage in Sem 7 University exams | Congratulations to B.Tech second year students on achieving 82.94 pass percentage in Sem 3 University exams | Congratulations to B.Tech Third year students on achieving 79.72 pass percentage in Sem 5 University exams |