Department of

Electronics and Communication Engineering


Co Curricular Events


Feb. 28, 2024

EDM Room

he Ultimate EDM Party held from February 28th to March 1st at the 3rd floor of St. Chavara block was an electrifying event that brought together EDM enthusiasts for three days of pulsating beats and infectious rhythms.


Oct. 16, 2023

A talk on "space and entrepreneurship"

EC department, in association with ME dept., organised a talk on "space and entrepreneurship" today. The scientist, Mr. Anand P. M. (VSSC) was the resource person for the program. The session was really informative.Special appreciation to dept. coordinators Dr.Viswanath K Kaimal and Ms. Swathy P M. Also, special thanks to Tony sir and Angel ma'am for all the timely support & arrangements...


Oct. 17, 2023

Xilinx FPGA Workshop

Twelve students from ECE attended 3 Day workshop titled ' Xilinx FPGA Workshop : From Basics to advanced ' at IIIT Kottayam on 13,14,15 October 2023. The workshop covered Hardware Implementation in 7 Series FPGA architecture, Zync Ultrascale + MPSoC and High Level Synthesis. I would like to appreciate the effort taken by Tony sir to motivate the students to get intense training in core domain


Oct. 22, 2023

Hands-on Workshop

MathWorks Community @CCE has organised a one day Hands-on Workshop today on 'Circuit Analysis using MATLAB and Simulink'. Dr. Ravishankar A N, Assoc. Professor and Head, Department of EEE, handled a session that covered Network analysis using various approaches in MATLAB and Simulink, and Verification of Circuit Theorems. This workshop was given for S3ECE students as an extension of the curricular course ' ECT 205 Network Theory'.


Nov. 2, 2023

Smart India Hackathon (SIH 2023)

Christ College of Engineering is proud to have hosted an Internal Hackathon for SIH 2023 on Sept 27th and 28th offline and on Nov 2nd online. With a total of 32 teams(196 students)participating, it was a truly inspiring event.The jury members carefully evaluated each team's performance and selected 21 teams (126 students) to be nominated for SIH 2023. On October 31st 2023, the college completed the team nomination process and the selected students submitted their ideas on the SIH portal


Nov. 6, 2023

Awareness on Professionalism

Dept. of ECE organised a session on the topic - Awareness on Professionalism by Mr. Francis George (Executive Member -AEA). The students of S3,S5, and S7 ECE attended the session.


Nov. 14, 2023

Solar photovoltaic workshop

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Christ College of Engineering has successfully conducted the " Solar photovoltaic workshop " for the first year students on 13th November 2023. The guest speaker Mr. Visal Varghese engaged the students through an interactive workshop on Solar technology.


Nov. 28, 2023

Rural Innovation Meet

The Rural Innovation Meet, a platform for showcasing innovative solutions for rural development, was successfully conducted today at Christ College of Engineering, Thrissur.Total 21 innovators teams participated to showcase their talents which is the driving force behind the success of this event.


Nov. 29, 2023

Sonar Signal Processing

Dept. of ECE has conducted an Industry Interactive Session today. The session was truly beneficial in learning about Sonar Signal Processing, handled by Mr. Unnikrishnan , Scientist -E NPOL DEDO


Dec. 20, 2023

Expoke- an interdisciplinary Project Expo

The glimpses of *Expoke- an interdisciplinary Project Expo by S1 CE, ECE, and ME Students*. It's our immense pleasure to thank each and everyone of you for making the event a grand success. Our sincere gratitude to John Achan, Joy Achan, Sajeev Sir, John Sir, and Manoj Sir for the support and guidance provided.


March 20, 2024

Machine Learning Models for Signal Processing

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IEDC organised a hands-on workshop on " Machine Learning Models for Signal Processing " for S4 ECE students. Students were given a practical exposure to Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Network concepts in system modeling using Python. Ms.Devika A K, Research Scholar of CUSAT handled the session.


Feb. 24, 2024


A workshop on ‘Introduction to Arduino’ for B.Tech S2 ECE students, was organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on February 26th 2023, Monday from 1.30pm-4.30pm. The session was co-ordinated by Manju I Kollannur, Assistant Professor in ECE and Dhruvraj (S8 ECE and Anitta Vincent (S4 ECE) The session was handled by Dhruvraj (S8 ECE), Praise Varghese Paul(S4 ECE), Anitta Vincent (S4 ECE) and Daniel Joseph T J(S4 ECE).


Feb. 28, 2024

Code uno competition

A competition on Arduino coding and hardware for B.Tech students, was organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on February 28th 2023, Wednesday from 11pm-4.30pm.


Feb. 28, 2024


The International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Embedded System Technologies (ICRCET’24) occurred on February 28, 2024. The event featured conference paper presentations and took place online via Google meet and offline at the S2 ECE classroom, Chavara block. It addressed different program outcomes and program specific outcomes for the 2020-2024 and 2021-2025 batches, with affiliations to the Electronics and Communication Engineering Association (ECTA).


July 4, 2024

Product development session on LED star light

Dept of Electronics and communication has organised a product development session on LED star light as a part of the foundation course.


Contact us

For all doubts, queries regarding the department,
contact our Head Of Department.

Dr. Caren Babu (HOD)

call +91 9746157043


For all doubts, queries regarding the department,
contact our staff.

Ms. Manju I Kollannur

call +91 9947593631

All the 5 B.Tech Programmes offered by our college are NBA accredited |